Kelimpahan Mikroplastik pada Ikan Lemuru (Sardinella lemuru) dan Ikan Kembung (Rastrelliger kanagurta) Yang Didaratkan di PPP Mayangan, Probolinggo

Microplastic Abundance on Bali Sardinella (Sardinella lemuru) and Indian Mackarel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) Landed at PPP Mayangan, Probolinggo


  • Achmadika Avisina Brawijaya University
  • Defri Yona Brawijaya University
  • Victor Adi Winata Brawijaya University
  • Hazimah Binte Mohamed Nor Nanyang Technological University, Asian School of the Environment, Nanyang Technological University
  • Aida Sartimbul Brawijaya University



Rastrelliger kanagurta, Sardinella lemuru, H2O2, Mikroplastik, Kelimpahan, Karakteristik partikel, Microplastic, Abundance, Particle characteristics


Ikan kembung (Rastrelliger kanagurta) dan ikan lemuru (Sardinella lemuru) merupakan dua spesies ikan yang umum ditangkap di PPP Mayangan Probolinggo dan memiliki peluang yang tinggi untuk terkontaminasi oleh mikroplastik. Sampel ikan diambil secara acak dan diukur morfometrik (panjang dan berat tubuh) sebagai informasi biologis pendukung dan validasi untuk penggunaan uji perbedaan morfometrik dari kedua jenis ikan terhadap data kelimpahan mikroplastiknya. Analisis kelimpahan mikroplastik pada kedua jenis ikan dilakukan dengan mengidentifikasi dan membandingkan kelimpahan partikel antara kedua jenis ikan berdasarkan jaringan/organ ikan, tipe partikel, ukuran partikel, serta warna partikel. Bahan organik dihancurkan menggunakan metode destruksi H2O2 30% dengan perbandingan 1:20. Analisis FTIR digunakan untuk mengetahui jenis polimer dari mikroplastik. Hasil menunjukkan terdapat kelimpahan sebanyak 52,20 ± 22,81 partikel/individu pada ikan kembung dan 61,20 ± 10,48 partikel/individu pada ikan lemuru. Analisis statistik menunjukkan tidak adanya perbedaan kelimpahan partikel yang signifikan berdasarkan asal organ/jaringan maupun tipe, ukuran, dan warna partikel. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa partikel mikroplastik yang dikonsumsi oleh kedua jenis ikan cenderung memiliki karakteristik yang sama: bertipe fragmen atau fiber, berwarna hitam atau biru, dan berukuran berkisar 50-100 µm. Hasil FTIR menunjukkan partikel dengan tipe cotton fibre. Kontrol kualitas data mikroplastik dari sampel (tingkat kontaminasi udara 1,59 %) didapatkan dari blanko (kontrol negatif) dengan mempertimbangkan kelimpahan dan karakteristik mikroplastiknya.


Mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) and the Bali Sardinella (Sardinella lemuru) are two common fish species caught in the Mayangan Probolinggo Fishing Port (PPP) and are highly susceptible to microplastic contamination. Fish samples were picked randomly and their morphometric (body length and weight) were measured as supporting biological information and validation for the usage of difference testing of both species’ morphometrics to their microplastics abundance. Analysis of microplastic abundance in both fish species was conducted by identifying and comparing particle abundance between the two species based on fish tissues/organs, particle type, particle size, and particle colour. Organic material was destroyed using a 30% H2O2 destruction method with a ratio of 1:20. FTIR was performed to determine the polymer of microplastics. The results showed an abundance of 52.20 ± 22.81 particles/individual in mackerel and 61.20 ± 10.48 particles/individual in Bali Sardinella. Statistical analysis indicated no significant differences in particle abundance based on organ/tissue origin or particle type, size, and colour. It can be concluded that the microplastic particles consumed by both fish species tend to have similar characteristics: fragmented or fibrous type, black or blue colour, and a size of 50-100 µm. FTIR results indicated cotton fibre type particle. Quality control of the microplastic data from samples (air contamination level of 1,59%) was obtained from blank samples (negative control) with their abundance and characteristics taken into consideration.

Author Biographies

Achmadika Avisina, Brawijaya University

student of Marine Science Study program, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science.

Defri Yona, Brawijaya University

Marine Science Study  Program, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Universitas Brawijaya

Victor Adi Winata, Brawijaya University

Magister of Aquaculture Study  Program, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Universitas Brawijaya

Hazimah Binte Mohamed Nor, Nanyang Technological University, Asian School of the Environment, Nanyang Technological University

Nanyang Technological University, Asian School of the Environment, Nanyang Technological University


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