Author Guideline
Template For Submission
Template for Indonesian Contributor (Bahasa Indonesia)
Template for Non Indonesian Contributor (English)
Completion Form
Completion Form (Bahasa Indonesia)
Journal PoluSea accepted research article, short communication and review paper of water
pollution related to the types of pollutants in freshwater and marine and the presence of
pollutants in the environment and their impacts on the ecosystems. It receives manuscript
written in Bahasa or English and publishes two issues in one volume annually (April and
General Author Guidelines
1. Manuscripts are written in Bahasa/English and have never been published or are in the
process of being submitted for publication in other journals and do not contain elements of
plagiarism. We accept manuscript with similarities less than 25 %.
2. Manuscripts can be in the form of research articles, case studies, short communication or
literature studies.
3. Authors must be registered to the journal's website. Guidelines for registration and
submitting a paper are presented below.
4. Manuscripts will be published in PoluSea Journal after being reviewed by peer reviewers
(blind review).
5. Manuscripts must be prepared according to the writing guidelines and templates.
Manuscripts in Bahasa can be written using the template for Bahasa (link), while
manuscripts in English can be written using the template for English (link).
Manuscript Structure
Article Title
The title of the article should be bold and capitalized at the beginning of each word, except
prepositions (Times New Roman, 12 point, centered). The title (15-20 words) must be in
accordance with the problem discussed, short, clear, and informative.
Author’s names and institutions
The author's name must be accompanied by the author's institution, institutional address, and
email address for the corresponding author, without an academic degree or position.
Abstracts are written in Bahasa and/or English and made in one paragraph. This part provided
a thorough explanation of the major problem, including a description of the background, goals,
methods, findings, conclusions and keywords (4-8 phrases).
The introduction includes background information, literature review, scientific innovation, and
the formulation of a research problem or hypotheses. As many as 60% of references with the
year of publication within the last ten years.
Material and Methods
Material and Methods contains time and place, research materials, design or procedure and data
Results and Discussion
Results and discussion include data from research results and discussion. Research results can
be displayed in the form of tables, pictures or photos and graphs. Avoid presenting raw data
and the average must include a standard deviation or standard error. The discussion is an
interpretation of research data that can be compared with previously published research results.
Description of the discussion can be supplemented with supporting literature. Writing results
and discussion can be done in different sub-chapters.
Conclusions summarize the outcomes of the interpretation in clear manner to present a concise
picture of the study's results or to verify the veracity of the hypothesis. Summarizing the results
of the research, in accordance with the research objectives.
Contains a collection of acknowledgments in a separate section at the end of the article before
the reference. List here the individuals/companies/institutions that provided funding or
assistance during the research (eg provided language assistance, or read proof of articles,
provided support, etc).
References are recommended using Mendeley (download) (tutorial), Zotero, etc. reference
management software in Harvard Style:
References are corrected by using TNR 12 pt, left-right average, 1 space, and no spaces
before/after paragraphs. The second row and so on indent to the right by 1 cm.
Guidelines for Submitting Manuscript
1. Manuscripts that meet the PoluSea Journal writing guidelines, (using MS Word format and
this article template) must be submitted online at the following URL (if there are difficulties
in submitting manuscripts online, please contact email:
2. Submission of manuscripts using the Online Submission System at PoluSea Journal
(http://) after registering as an Author on the "Register" menu. Download Guide for
Registration and Article Submission here (link).
3. Templates and Guidelines for Writing Articles in MS Word (.doc) can be downloaded at
the following link (link)
4. Manuscripts that do not comply with the PoluSea Journal writing instructions will be
returned to the author before being reviewed.
The manuscript should be submitted using one of the following ways:
1. The manuscript is submitted through Online Submission System in Jurnal PoluSea portal
2. First, author registers as Author and/or Reviewer (check the role as Author and/or
Reviewer) in the "Register" menu or the address: (http://)
3. After the author logins as Author, click on "New Submission". There are 5 steps to submit
an article, i.e.: (1). Start, (2). Upload Submission, (3). Enter Metadata, (4). Upload
Supplementary Files, (5). Confirmation
4. In the Start menu, select Journal Section (Full Article) and check all checklists.
5. In the Upload Submission menu, upload the manuscript file in MS Word.
6. In the Enter Metadata menu, enter all Authors and affiliates data and followed by title,
abstract, and indexing keywords.
7. In the Upload Supplementary Files menu, the author is allowed to upload supporting data
files or cover letters or other documents.
8. In the Confirmation menu, click "Finish Submission" if all data is correct.
9. If the author finds difficulties in sending manuscripts via online system, the manuscript can
also be sent via E-mail to the editorial team of Journal PoluSea (jurnal. However,
this method is not recommended
Article Processing Fee
Each article submitted to be published is free of charge.
Section default policy
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.
Author Guideline
Template For Submission
Template for Indonesian Contributor (Bahasa Indonesia)
Template for Non Indonesian Contributor (English)
Completion Form
Completion Form (Bahasa Indonesia)